
Mindful Boundaries: Navigating Professional Relationships with Intention

Session Description:

September is the best time for a fresh start. Join Amanda Baiocco for a mindful meditation session designed to enhance your ability to set and maintain healthy professional boundaries. In this Wellness Wednesday program with NSCDA and Flo Meditation, Amanda will guide you through meditative practices that help you cultivate clarity and self-awareness, enabling you to navigate professional interactions with confidence and integrity. You will explore techniques to establish and uphold appropriate boundaries, fostering respectful and balanced relationships while preserving your personal well-being. This session is designed to empower you to take control of your professional life, cultivating resilience and intentionality in your interactions.

Objective: Mindfulness

Competencies: 1.2 Maintain Professional Boundaries + 3.3 Help Clients Address and Prevent Conflict + 7.1 Manage Emotional Responses

Facilitator's Bio

Amanda Baiocco is a sound practitioner, meditation guide, woman’s health advocate, a full spectrum doula, and (almost) certified Clinical Therapist/Educator. Through ritual, meditation, and sound Amanda opens and holds space for you to tap into your physical, emotional and spiritual body. With her extensive experience, Amanda blends therapeutic techniques with educational strategies, empowering others to gain insights and develop coping skills. Her passion for mental health is matched by her dedication to continuous learning, ensuring that she provides the most effective and compassionate care possible.

Wellness Wednesday: Mindful Boundaries: Navigating Professional Relationships with Intention

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  • Wednesday Sep 18 2024, 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM