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Introduction to Career Development Theory

Discover how different theories explain career choices and gain insights into shaping your professional journey in this course on career development.


Course Description

Whether you realize it or not, career development is a large part of all our lives. One of life's most important journeys is choosing a career that fits your needs, likes and dislikes and lifestyle. Let's start by reflecting on your career journey to this point.

This course will introduce career development theory, explain it, and briefly overview four well-known theories. You will understand how Career Development Theories help explain how and why we make decisions about work, employment, and other aspects of our careers as we seek to understand how careers develop as they do.

Competencies to be Developed (Competencies based on National Competency Profile for Career Development Professionals)

  • 10.0 Foundational Knowledge and Applied Theories:
  • 10.1 Understand career development theories and models
  • 10.2 Apply career development theories and models

Course Structure

This learning plan consists of one self-paced course with five lessons. It will take approximately one hour to complete.



Introduction to Career Development Theory


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