

Thank you for registering to attend the NSCDA Annual General Virtual Meeting. You will receive a meeting invite for the NSCDA Annual General Virtual Meeting, scheduled for Thursday, October 29 at 3 pm until 4:30 pm in your registration confirmation email

The Zoom meeting coordinates will be emailed to you in your registration confirmaiton email. Remember that you will need a working camera and audio on your computer to see and hear everyone as well as a microphone if you would like to speak. If you don’t have these items on your computer than join by your cell phone. You will not be able to see “gallery view” but you should be able to hear and see the speaker. You can also log on early to make sure that your computer settings are correct.  

Suggested Meeting Rules:

  1. Have your microphone on mute once the meeting has been called to order unless you would like to speak (your mic will be set on mute when you first enter the meeting)
  2. Select the “raise hand” button if you would like to speak and then you will be acknowledged by the chair (once the meeting has been called to order)
  3. You can submit questions or comments through the chat feature
  4. Make sure to test both your mic and audio before joining the meeting
  5. Please join the meeting at least ten minutes prior to start time
  6. Please make sure that the name you sign on to Zoom matches your registration name for the meeting

Remember that you need to select the link provided below “Join Zoom Meeting” or the meeting URL (ctrl + click) and then add the meeting ID and passcode. You will be sent to a “waiting room” until you are accepted into the meeting. If you have never used Zoom, you can select “join from your browser” or it will ask if you would like to download a desktop version to your computer. If you plan to use Zoom more than this one time, make sure to give yourself time to download and then install. This may involve restarting your computer for it to take affect. Zoom has done a few recent upgrades so make sure you give yourself time to do the upgrades if needed.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the AGVM!

NSCDA Annual General Virtual Meeting 2024


  • jeudi le 26 septembre, 2024 de 14h00 à 16h00
  • Virtual Meeting through Zoom
    https://nscda-ca.zoom.us/j/86548813905, Nouvelle-Écosse